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digivice User Guide


Tracking tasks, deadlines and completion status

You can add todos, events, deadlines and track their completion status.

Finding, completing and deleting tasks

You can search for tasks by their description, as well as mark them as complete or delete them from your list.


todo - Create todo task

This will create a new todo task, which does not require a deadline.

Example of usage:

todo update digivice

Expected outcome:

     Got it. I've added this task:
     [T] [✘] update digivice
     Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

event - Create event task

This will create a new event task, which requires a deadline. Deadline should be in DD/MM/YYYY HHMM format.

Example of usage:

event digi-egg hatching /at 03/12/19 1800

Expected outcome:

     Got it. I've added this task:
     [E] [✘] digi-egg hatching (at: 3rd of December 2019, 6.00PM)
     Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

deadline - Create deadline task

This will create a new deadline task, which requires a deadline. Deadline should be in DD/MM/YYYY HHMM format.

Example of usage:

deadline evolve patamon /by 05/12/19 0600

Expected outcome:

     Got it. I've added this task:
     [D] [✘] evolve patamon (by: 5th of December 2019, 6.00AM)
     Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

find - Find a task

This will search the list of tasks and return any tasks whose description contains any of the provided keywords. This command accepts multiple keywords.

Example of usage:

find digi

Expected outcome:

     Here are the tasks found that match your search term:
     1.[T] [✘] update digivice
     2.[E] [✘] digi-egg hatching (at: 3rd of December 2019, 6.00PM)

list - List all task

This will list all existing tasks in order of addition.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

     Here are the tasks:
     1.[T] [✘] update digivice
     2.[E] [✘] digi-egg hatching (at: 3rd of December 2019, 6.00PM)
     3.[D] [✘] evolve patamon (by: 5th of December 0019, 6.00AM)

delete - Delete a task

This will delete a task specified at the one-indexed position provided in the second argument.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

     Noted. I've removed this task:
      update digivice
     Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

bye - Exit the program

This will end the program, and save all changes made. Note that if the program is exited without using the bye command, the changes will not be saved.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

     Bye. Hope to see you again soon!